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Hey all, well I love Stephen King so much that I had to dedicate some of my time to him.  He has done so much for me and given me so many wonderful stories to read that this is the least I can do.  Here I will be giving you some of my favorite stories and quotes from his books.  Also there will be more photos as I get a chance to upload them.  Please enjoy and sign my guestbook "Right here and now!"    
Thnx, Jade

My Favorite Stephen King novels/short stories

This is going to be extremely difficult since there aren't any I really dislike but I will try. Please take into account that these are the books I have read up to date, so as I read more, I will be putting them in line. I have so many of his books that it will take me a while to read them all. 
Needful Things 
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon 
Rose Madder 
The Stand (complete & Uncut) 
The Eyes Of The Dragon 
Black House 
The Talisman 
DT The Gunslinger 
DT The Drawing of The Three 
DT The Wastelands 
DT Wizards And Glass 
DT Wolves Of The Calla 
DT Song Of Susannah 
DT The Dark Tower 
Short Stories and collections 
Night Shift 
Nightmares and Dreamscapes
Bachman Books
Everything's Eventual
The Green Mile
There will be more to come

Favorite quotes from books

"Right here and now."  Wolf from The Talisman
"No. And, Billy, I don't exactly consider pimples off-the-wall.  You were starting to sound a little like a Stephen King novel for a while there, but it's not like that."  Mike Hopley- Thinner

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