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Okay!  If you all are wondering now what the heck is SKemers?  Well it is a group of Stephen King fans which I belong to.  You get a daily newsletter that everyone can contribute to including you.  Just reply to the email that was sent to you after you become a member.  There is a lot of information about Stephen King, upcomming conventions, book info, and they are just a really great group to be around.  I am listing the link to the website so if you are interested in joining or just seeing what it is all about then please visit my links page! 

Here we go!  I am doing something here that I think is going to be really cool.  Everytime I see a funny or unforgetable quote on one of the SKemers NL's I am going to put it here so everyone can enjoy them.  I think it is going to be really cool!
1. Chris wrote in reference to an NL entry from ceej about SK's books possibly being written by someone else--  "Okay, put down the lighter and step away from the bookcase."   "Think good thoughts -Bangor, NYC- stare at Jake's Lite Brite for a while, and everything will be ok.   {{{ceej}}}"
2. This one was written by Seb in reference to the way parents and schools feel about kids reading King books.--  "I was sitting on a bus once reading a King book, when this old woman sat beside me.  When she saw the book I was reading she started to tell me how my soul would be damned forever if I kept reading trash like that and so on.  I just couldn't believe the nerves of that woman!  If you're not happy with what another person is reading, then just close your eyes or look the other way.  I don't freak out and go ballistic when I see someone reading Danielle Steele or Jackie Collins!  Seb"
3. Evil Eva wrote in reference to Needful Things, "Ed Harris is not too hard to look at for 2 hours either ***SIGH*** I need a ciggarette now.  Oh yeah, I quit, Damn."
4. Mscynn at aol. com wrote about the car commercial for Volkswagon.  they said, "It's odd that someone would bring it up now ddd Did you maybe get a call from YOUR future self?(I wish mine would call--there's something I'm dying to know.)"
5. Chris wrote in response to this comment, "I never put it together before you said it, lol.  And knowing my future self, it'd call collect."
6. This one is just kinda a cool little tidbit off the Newsletter!

The authors of the upcoming ‘The Complete Guide to the Works of Stephen King’ are pleased to announce that they have included the details of a previously unknown story by Stephen King in their publication. The story, titled ‘Codename: Mousetrap’ was originally published in King’s high school newspaper in his senior year, 1965.

The story was originally re-discovered by a teacher, Ms Prudence Grant, while cleaning her files in 2001 after retiring from Lisbon High School in Maine.Ms Grant put the newspaper up for auction on Ebay and Kerry Johnson, a collector of all things King for over twenty years, purchased it.

Stuart Tinker of Betts Bookstore, the specialist King bookseller in Bangor, Maine brought the existence of the story to the attention of one of the Guide’s co-authors, Rocky Wood last December during a research trip to King’s home town. Wood was recently able to secure Johnson’s agreement to write the first ever description of ‘Codename: Mousetrap’ as a Chapter in the ‘Guide’.‘We are very pleased to bring this story to the attention of the King community and the public generally,’ Wood said this week.

‘Full details of the story, including a summary appear in the Guide, which will be published in May 2003. We had not come across any hint of this story in our research so Kerry and Stu’s help was critical in bringing this story to our attention’.

Ms Grant was one of King’s advisors when he served on the Lisbon High School newspaper, ‘The Drum’. Research confirms this was King’s only piece of fiction in the paper.

‘The Complete Guide to the Works of Stephen King’, a 3000 page reference work published on CD ROM, is the most comprehensive study of King’s body of fiction ever published, covering 269 Works.

7. This one just cracked me up when I read it!
   "I'm taking donations for the ME foundation.  I do accept bills larger than 20"
8. Ana Ribiero wrote this one. "The first time I cried reading a book was when Mr. Jingles dies, silly isn't it?"
9. Chris wrote in comment to Ana's atatement.
   "I know many people that cried then.  Don't worry, you're not alone.  Welcome!"
10. Chris's reaction to the Ebay auction for that guys manuscript;
     "Um, yikes.  I don't think that's a joke (although I wish it were).  That made me cock my head like a confused dog.  Not sure how else to describe my reaction."

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