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Upcoming Stephen King Major Motion Pictures and TV mini series

Bag Of Bones
Maqjor Motion Picture
Bruce Willis & Arnold Rifkin- producers
MGM will distribute film
Release Date- Unknown
Dolans Cadillac
Actors are: Sylvester Stalone and Kevin Bacon(in negotiations)
Major Motion Picture
Paramount Pictures and Warner Brothers to distribute
Release Date- 2002?
Eyes Of The Dragon
WAMC Entertainment
Animated film
Release Date- unknown
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Major Motion Picture
Warner Brothers to distribute film
Tom Gordon as himself
Release Date- unknown
Riding The Bullet
Coming soon
The Mist

And hey, if anyone has any new information that I may not have recieved yet, please let me know so I can post it on my site.  There is an e-mail link on the home page!  Thanks, Jade